
Across The River - Auckland Writers Festival 2024

Paula Morris joins Daniel Hahn and Jerry Pinto as they discuss the importance and value of reading beyond our borders.

Argentina & Brazil & Colombia & Guatemala & Aotearoa New Zealand

Daniel Hahn and Jerry Pinto

Sunday , 19 May 2024, 1:00pm – 2:00pm

Esteemed British translator and recipient of the 2023 Ottaway Award for the Promotion of International Literature Daniel Hahn has translated close to a hundred books from Spanish, Portuguese and French and has documented his translation process in his acclaimed Catching Fire: A Translation Diary.

Recent translations include fiction from Angola, Brazil, Spain, Guatemala and Argentina, children's picture-books from Portugal and France, and works of non-fiction about dreams, death and lighthouses. His work has won him the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize and the Dublin Literary Award and been shortlisted for the International Booker Prize, among numerous others.

He is a past chair of the Society of Authors (the UK writers' union) and on the board of many organisations working with literature, translation and free speech. He currently translating a Colombian novel, compiling an anthology of Brazilian short stories and writing a book about Shakespeare in translation.

Prolific Indian poet and translator Jerry Pinto – who likens the act of translation to a “love affair” – translates poetry, fiction and memoirs from both Marathi and Hindi.

Paula Morris joins two masters of the field in conversation for the first time as they give insight into their craft and discuss the importance and value of reading beyond our borders.

Supported by ANZ and Latin American CAPE.

Event website


Radio New Zealand, 8 May 2024. Daniel Hahn on interpreting literary works. Nine to Noon.