
alys longley

alys longley is an interdisciplinary artist, creative researcher and associate professor at University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau.

alys longley is a New Zealand interdisciplinary artist, choreographer and creative writer, whose work has been performed in Australia, New Zealand, Europe and South America. alys has close connections with Chilean artists. She has worked with Chilean artist Máximo Corvalán-Pincheira, whom she met in 2016 at Space to Dream: Recent Art from South America – the first major exhibition of contemporary South American art in New Zealand. alys has been working with Santiago-based dance artist Macarena Campbell-Parra since 2017, on the Sur Sur and Mapping Porous Borders projects. She’s currently working with Francisco González Castro, a Chilean visual artist she collaborated with on the project Beberemos El Vino Nuevo, Juntos! | Let Us Drink the New Wine, Together! in 2022.

alys and Francisco have set up a research project called Acut: The Other Side of the Limit, which covers performance art, creative writing, philosophy, poetics, installation, drawing and dance. Through Acut, they produce books, performances, scholarly writing and creative experiments, aimed at other artists, writers, philosophers, performers, art lovers and art students.

In 2020 and 2021 alys, Máximo and Francisco worked together on a project that transcended different time-zones and borders closed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The project involved collaborating with artists around the world to create a series of analogue, digital and performance artworks. This led them to exhibit the results of the Mapping Porous Borders project and Beberemos El Vino Nuevo, Juntos! | Let Us Drink the New Wine, Together! project at Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Santiago in 2021 and at Malcolm Smith Gallery, Auckland, in 2022.

In 2020, alys developed A Tilting Body of Precarious Maps and Migrant Constellations, which is a live interactive exhibition space and digital game featuring work by over 100 artists around the world. This started as a virtual version of Beberemos El Vino Nuevo, Juntos! | Let Us Drink the New Wine, Together! but has since engaged with many other creative projects and symposia.

alys has also led 18 Horas Entre Nosotros (18 hours between us) – a series of interdisciplinary performances and public research events in Santiago and Auckland – and Mistranslation Laboratory, which was performed in Lisbon, Santiago, Wellington and Auckland.

alys is an associate professor for the University of Auckland Waipapa Taumata Rau Dance Studies programme; she specialises in the relationship between performance writing and artistic research. From 2021 to 2022 she led the research project Performance and Writing as Expanded Fields in Interdisciplinary Artistic Research and Creative Pedagogy, with colleagues from Australia, Chile, Sweden and the UK. She has also written several books related to choreography, creative writing and artistic mapping, and had numerous articles published in American, Australian, British and European academic journals.

Published 02 November 2023

Artistic practices can transmit care and transcend political divides. Working with creatives around the world is vital to democracy and political and cultural growth. Working with artists from Chile has transformed the way I see the world.”
alys longley

Projects delivered

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Explore a selection of alys' collaborations with Latin America


A Tilting Body of Precarious Maps and Migrant Constellations

Argentina & Bolivia & Brazil & Chile & Colombia & Costa Rica & Cuba & Dominican Republic & Ecuador & El Salvador & Guatemala & Honduras & Mexico & Nicaragua & Panama & Paraguay & Peru & Uruguay & Venezuela


Acut: The Other Side of the Limit



Beberemos El Vino Nuevo, Juntos! | Let Us Drink the New Wine, Together!



Mapping Porous Borders


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Sur Sur



Máximo Corvalán-Pincheira


Francisco González Castro


Space to Dream: Recent Art from South America

Argentina & Brazil & Chile & Colombia & Paraguay & Uruguay